Now that Vice President Chirper was suddenly a father, he didn't have a clue what he needed to do next. First Lady Bootsi suggested that giving them names might be a step in the right direction, so the Vice President studied each boy's behavior for a little while and came up with some names he thought suited them. The first name he came up with was "Chipper" because he was exhibiting signs that he might be a "chip off the old block", so to speak. Then came "Trooper" because he always seemed to be watching out for his brothers. Next was "Dino", because he had a sort of laid back Frank Sinatra Rat Pack air about him (the Vice President absolutely loves Frank Sinatra!), and finally there was "Doodle" because... well, you'll see.

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Now that the boys had been given names, the White House really couldn't continue to classify this as a scandal. To read the continuing story please use the link below to return to the Vice President's page.

Vice President's Page


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